Check out the Little Jamacia Music History Walking Tour

CBMA's Little Jamacia Music History Walking Tour logo
Toronto blues singer Shakura S'Aida performing at St. Albert's Arden Theatre.
Black and white close-up of Dawn Tyler Watson glancing to her side.
Jackie Richardson holding a pen and rubbing her chin with the same hand, while holding foam core and looking at the camera with a sense of intrigue.
Harrison Kennedy with a radiating smile, posing with his guitar for a photo shoot.
Medium close-up shot of Diana Braithwaite in front of a shinny teal background.
Black and white Salome Bey portrait.
Black and white photograph of Bobby Dean Blackburn in a close-up shot, wearing a suit.
Jackie Shane singing into the microphone at a performance.
Jodie Drake
Black and white Mel Brown striking a pose with his guitar and smiling for the camera.
Blackburn Brothers

black music legacy

The CBMA's mission is to research, preserve and celebrate various music genres, created, influenced and inspired by primarily Black Canadian musicians.


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