Set your goals.

I’ll help you reach them.

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TMF’s Core 4 Principles


It all starts with the mind. Your mind controls your body so we need a strong foundation. I teach you how to reset your mindset and have a positive and focused outlook.


Health is wealth. I teach you how to understand meal plans and customize them to your budget, preferences and tastes while never compromising nutritional value.


Empower yourself through functional fitness. I teach you how to maximize results through varied exercise programs. I focus on form to help you more easily perform daily activities and develop the inner athlete within.


Self care is self love. I teach you to incorporate affirmations, meditation, sleep, laughter, hobbies, friendships and more as vital parts of your overall wellness.

Invest in YOU.

We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we often forget ourselves in the process. We commit time to our families, jobs, and friends but struggle to find time for ourselves. Let me show you how an investment in your health produces returns in all areas of your life and is the greatest investment you can make.

We can go further together

Many people start their fitness journeys over and over again. The main reason they don’t succeed is because they rely only on themselves and over time they start to make compromises, skip workouts and not put in the same effort. My job is to support you, encourage you and hold you accountable. My focus is on helping you achieve the goals you set in an efficient and effective way. I’ll help you dig deeper, push harder and find the strength you never knew you had.

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